Breathwork | Luisa Batista | Portugal Mastodon
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The BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System® - BBTRS -

is a breathwork modality that uses conscious connected breath

with movement, sound and bodywork to release long-held tension

and trauma in the body.


The energy produced in the body during prolonged stress or

traumatic events can get stuck.

This stuck energy can cause all kinds of physical and mental pains

and illnesses.


During a BBTRS® session, you breathe in a conscious connected way, to activate the sympathetic nervous system.

This activation creates movement of that stuck energy in the body.

Through conscious movement, sound and touch this energy in motion (emotion) can be released.


Transformation happens through this unwinding and releasing of long-held stress and trauma, without any need to relive painful experiences by talking about them.

You don't even need to know the cause of your stress, tension, or trauma.

Practising breathwork will increase your ability to experience emotions and feelings.

You will become more connected to yourself and your body during difficult and good times.
Your capacity to experience stress will grow.

All this leads to more compassion and understanding of yourself and others.

You will become more resilient and better able to deal with life's ups and downs.

It will be easier for you to let go of bad coping mechanisms, habits and addictive behaviours.



Breathwork regulates the nervous system, releases tension and stress, lowers anxiety and lifts mood, boosts energy and stamina, reduces blood pressure and improves circulation, strengthens the immune system, brings up and releases unconscious feelings, brings emotional clarity, brings you back into contact with your body, activates your voice, improves sleep, improves digestions, helps manage depression, helps overcome addictions, improves focus, and more.

Trauma isn't what happens to us,
it's what happens inside us.

I was feeling very “old”, with reduced energy, sluggish, no focus, no mojo.

I booked a series of 8 breathwork sessions. Each session built on the last one.

As we progressed I felt more comfortable and at ease (I don’t feel confident to open up easily to people).

Each session was interesting and insightful.

The touch/massage was enhanced by the breathing to become sensitive and more intense than I had expected.

The rhythm of the charging breath “rocked”me and allowed the stiffness in my back and neck to ease and improved my posture.

I felt alert and awake. Win win.

Since the sessions I feel I can think more clearly.

I have found my voice, as the flustered feeling I had about not recalling the words needed has eased, so no wasted energy there.

I’m at peace with myself, more accepting of the ageing process, and more in control and relaxed with it.

Anne K., Portugal

The breathwork sessions were very revealing, because I have never felt connected with my body. Having guidance helped me to relax and connect, feeling energy and sensations traveling through my body.

Insight: I shouldn’t be reluctant to be happy.

I should allow myself to be happy.

I have so much love in my life.


I really valued and enjoyed my breathwork sessions. Luisa helped me to feel safe and at ease during our sessions together.

She was wonderful at picking up cues of areas of discomfort - emotional and physical.

She asked just the right questions and made brilliant suggestions to take me deeper into the process.

Through this time with Luisa, I became better connected to myself, released physical and emotional pain, and gained some much-needed clarity around life in general.

Lisa W., USA

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